Introducing the cool art of Dan Matutina

We’re very happy to have Dan Matutina featured on the new Kuvva platform! We’ve long been big fans of his grungy textures combined with clean and cool shapes. His illustration style is a mix of handmade and digital, clean and rough, old and modern aesthetics. So we had a brief chat to catch up with what Dan’s been up to.


Hi Dan! Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hi I’m Dan Matutina, I’m a designer & illustrator based in Manila, Philippines.

How did you come to do illustration?

I loved drawing and doodling when I was a kid, but I professionally became an illustrator when I started my own studio and worked as an illustrator on the side.

Is there any advice you can share with our readers to help them get out of creative blocks?

It’s always important to take a break when you have a creative block. You can either play video games, read books, talk to friends or just take a simple rest to free your mind.

What are some tips to promote your work?

It’s important to put your work online and get feedback from people. If you don’t get a lot of views, don’t be discouraged. Just continue curating and adding new works to your folio. Using social media can also help spread your work around.

How do you think being featured on Kuvva platform will help you?

Getting featured on Kuvva will help spread my work to more people. Yay!

Are you up to anything at the moment?

Finishing two personal projects that I’m currently working on now : )

Thank you for the chat!

Below are the works Dan put for sale on Kuvva. Check them out and feel free to let us know what you think!

“Marvel Boy”

“Minor Lakes”

“Versus Hearts”


“New Hope”


“Tug O War”

This blog was first published on Kuvva blog.

Introducing the cool art of Dan Matutina

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