Meet Benoit Tardif and his eccentric illustration

It’s not a surprise that we can’t stop smiling at the quirky illustrations made by the talented illustrator Benoit Tardif for Kuvva app this week. Inspired from silkscreen and posters, the illustration’s contours feel all organic and carefree. That does not only contrast with the sense of irony in each illustration, but also add an element of surprise for the audience.

Hi Benoit, please tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.

Hello, my name is Benoit Tardif. I live in Montreal with my wife and son. I am an illustrator. I am also an art director and co-owner of an independent publishing house called “Les Éditions de Ta Mère” (means “Editions of Your Mother” in English). Outside work, I am a formidable goalie in hockey, an outstanding cook and an aspiring interior designer (for my own apartment).

How did you get into the illustration industry?

I’ve always loved drawing. That is why I chose to study graphic design at Université du Québec à Montréal. In the course with illustrator Pol Turgeon, I fell in love with illustration. I decided that I wanted to become a professional illustrator.

I really develop my style by making book covers for “Les Éditions de Ta Mère”. So I sent my portfolio to magazines and I started working more seriously. For a little more than a year, I am represented by Colagene, which helps me with promotion.

Could you share some insights into your current illustration style?

I think my style reflects my personality. When I finished university, I spent some months doing my portfolio. I wanted my style to be simple, colourful, but mostly I wanted to create powerful images that communicate well. I was inspired by legends of illustration like Saul Steinberg, Jim Flora, Seymour Chwast… Their ways of communicating influenced me a lot.

How do you think being featured on Kuvva platform will help you?

I think Kuvva is a superb platform. Illustrators who are there are really talented. I’m flattered to be part of it. I think it will bring a lot of visibility and prestige to my work.

And last but not least: do you have any future project in mind?

I always keep myself busy with my client’s commissions. My first picture book for kids, “Sport-O-Rama”, will be released in English in 2015 (Kids Can press). I would also create a collection of silkscreen print of legendary hockey players. It should be out in 2015!

Great! Thank you Benoit!

Scroll down to see Benoit’s beautiful collection for sale on Kuvva!

“House 01”

“Balls Out!”

“House 2”

“Heavy Weight”

“American Trucker”

“American Trucker 02”

“American Trucker 03”

“Cowboys 01”

“Cowboys 02”


“Tailgate Party”

“Tennis Mouvement”



This blog was first published on Kuvva blog.

Meet Benoit Tardif and his eccentric illustration

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